
Showing 945–960 of 1179 results

  • Kidneoplant®


    (For ailments of kidneys and renal organs) This preparation has very strong effects on kidneys and bladder. It gives highly satisfactory results in sharp piercing pain, burning and post void feeling of retention. Satisfactory results were noted in anomalies like involuntary urination and constant urge to pass urine in case of enlarged prostate.

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  • KL 1 (HEPAR -1)


    Aconite 6:Inflammation of gums, tonsils and joints with ovaritis and orchitis Apis mel 6:Inflammation in and around eyes, otitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and peritonitis. Nephritis, ovaritis and dermatitis Belladonna 6:Otitis media, tonsillitis with difficult deglutition of fluids, mastitis, prostate hypertrophy with orchitis, lymphadenitis, arthritis and appendicitis Ferrum phos 6:Inflammation in eyes, otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. […]

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  • KL 10 (GRIPPE )


    Hypersensitiveness to smell; with much sneezing. Mucous membrane dry, nose stooped up with discharge of scant and watery coryza, Arsenicum alb D6 Thin, watery, excoriating discharge; nose feels stooped up. Allergic rhinitis worse in open air better indoors. Arundo D3 Allergic rhinitis with burning and itching of palate and conjunctiva, severe itching in nostrils and […]

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  • KL 13 (EMESIS)


    Arsenic 30: Nausea and vomiting after eating and drinking, vomiting of blood, bile, brown black in color. Vomiting because of disorders in stomach and liver. Belladonna 30; Loss of appetite, severe vomiting and nausea aggravated by meat and milk with severe pain in epigastrium. Cuprum met 30 Nausea and vomiting relieved by drinking cold water; […]

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  • KL 14 (FEBRO)


    Aconite 30: Extreme coldness, cold sweats and icy coldness of face. Cold waves pass through him, thirst and restlessness always present. Achyranthes 3: Fever with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and slow pulse. Burning sensation in skin. • Belladonna 3 High grade fever above 102 Fahrenheit, burning sensation and heat in body with cold feet. No thirst […]

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  • KL 14 (FEBRO)


    Aconite 30: Extreme coldness, cold sweats and icy coldness of face. Cold waves pass through him, thirst and restlessness always present. Achyranthes 3: Fever with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and slow pulse. Burning sensation in skin. • Belladonna 3 High grade fever above 102 Fahrenheit, burning sensation and heat in body with cold feet. No thirst […]

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  • KL 17 (SPISAN)


    Aurum brom D3 Headache with weak nerves, impaired memory and migraine which aggravates in night Gelsemium D3 Vertigo with heaviness of head, dull and heavy feeling in head and eyelids. Pain in temples extending into ears, nose and chin Mag phos D3 Headache after mental labor with chilliness; sensation as if there is liquid in […]

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  • KL 18 (GALL-B)


    Berberis vulg D3 Severe pain in gall bladder which passes down to stomach, kidneys and spleen it also extends back to the inferior angle of right scapulae Carduus D3 Pain in region of liver, cholecystitis. Jaundice and later on cirrhosis with ascites; constipation alternating with diarrhea Chelidonium D3Obstructive jaundice cholelithiasis and hepatomegaly Colocynth D3 Severe […]

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  • KL 19 (ALERGIN)

    KL 19 (ALERGIN)


    KL 19 (ALERGIN) is best for relieving sneezing and lachrymation with colds due to allergies like nasal affection, dust, pollution, pollen, and common flu.

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  • KL 2 (AUROART)


    Allium sativa 2x: It has vasodilator properties; hypotension begins usually in 30 minutes after taking. Arnica 30: Angina pectoris; pain extending in left arm, fatty degeneration of heart with hypertrophy of left ventricle of heart Apis mel 3x: Pericarditis with generalized edema and redness of skin Aurum met 30: Palpitation, pulse rapid and irregular; hypertrophy […]

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  • KL 20 (ACOCARD)

    KL 20 (ACOCARD)


    Packing: 20 ml drops

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  • KL 3 ( HYPOTEN)


    Acid phos 3: Low blood pressure as a result of acute diseases, grief, hemorrhages following injury or surgical procedures etc Belladonna 6: Violent palpitation with vertigo; heart seems too large, coldness of extremities and jerky movements Crataegus 3: Fatty degeneration with difficulty in breathing, angina; pulse irregular, weak and rapid. Cyanosis of fingers and toes […]

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    Acid phos D3 Severe debility; patient very weak mentally and physically, polyuria especially in night. Impotency with general weakness Arsenicum brom D12 Skin infections with development of tumors associated with diabetes, emaciation and weakness Natrum sulf D6 Asthma and liver disease in diabetics, scabies especially in damp weather Uranium nit D6 Polyuria with inability to […]

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  • KL 6 (ROBINIA)


    15 to 20 in half glass of luke warm water four times a day. In acute conditions, repeat after half an hour or as directed by the physician.

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  • KL 7 (ALOE)


    Aloes D3 Prolapsed rectum with bleeding; discharge of mucus with pain. Hemorrhoids protrude like grapes; very painful and tender with burning sensation Aeseculus D3 Hemorrhoids with sharp shooting pains extending up the back; dry and painful anal area. Much pain after stool with prolapsed of rectum Hamamelis D2 Profuse bleeding from rectum, anus dry and […]

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  • KL 8 (HYOSCIN- D)


    Aconite D3 Severe colic in abdomen worse by touch and pain in urinary bladder, rectum and uterus. Belladonna D6 Spasmodic pain in stomach with constriction; severe distention and swelling in abdomen. Piles with strictures in rectum. Bryonia D6 Distention and tenderness in abdomen, pain in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration. Colic in abdomen and […]

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