
Showing 417–432 of 1179 results


    BIOGEN-13 (Leucotor)

    • BIOGEN-13 (Leucotor) is Indicated for the supportive treatment of Leucorrhoea
    • Effective in excessive watery vaginal discharge with pain
    • Indicated in backache and bearing down pains
    • Helpful in managing menstrual problems
    • Also used in ill effects of leucorrhoea
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    BIOGEN-14 (Sneezofix)

    • BIOGEN-14 (Sneezofix) is indicated for the supportive treatment of cold
    • Helpful in runny nose, watery eyes and in sneezing
    • Effective in acute infectious diseases like fever and catarrh
    • Also used in lymph nodes swelling
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    BIOGEN-15 (Femilan)

    • BIOGEN-15 (Femilan) is indicated for the supportive treatment in menstruation troubles
    • Used in painful and irregular menses
    • Helpful for early, long lasting menses in middle aged women
    • Effective in controlling bearing down pain
    • Also used in menstrual associated symptoms like depression, neuralgia and muscular pain
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    BIOGEN-16 (Neurolex)

    • BIOGEN-16 (Neurolex) is indicated for the supportive treatment in neuralgia
    • Used to recover from nervous exhaustion
    • Good to strengthens vitality, mental and physical power
    • Helpful in insomnia and weak memory
    • Covers anxiety states and irritability
    • Also used in throbbing headache and vertigo
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    BIOGEN-17 (Pile-Eze)

    • BIOGEN-17 (Pile-Eze) is indicated for the supportive treatment in piles
    • Effective in external piles with stinging pain
    • Helpful in treating bleeding piles with or without pain
    • Controls associated symptoms like itching, burning and fistula
    • Also improves liver functions
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    BIOGEN-18 (Bleedogum)

    • BIOGEN-18 (Bleedogum) is indicated for the supportive treatment in pyorrhoea
    • Effective in spongy swollen and inflamed gums
    • Used for pus in the gums and foul breathing
    • Used when there is abcesses at the root of the teeth
    • Helpful in preventing oozing of blood from gums
    • Also covers gumboils and unnatural looseness of gums
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    BIOGEN-19 (Relaxomax)

    • BIOGEN-19 (Relaxomax) is indicated for the supportive treatment in rheumatism
    • Effective in shooting & stabbing pains in the joints of legs and arms
    • Covers rheumatic pains, sciatica, restlessness and fever
    • Used for swelling in joints especially in ankles and wrist joint
    • Helpful in softness, stiffness and burning of joints
    • Also used for muscular rheumatism
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    BIOGEN-20 (Dermicon)

    • BIOGEN-20 (Dermicon) is indicated for the supportive treatment in skin and scalp infections
    • Effective in scurfy eruption on the scalps and in the face of children
    • Helpful to palliate acne, skin eruptions and itching
    • Also covers the hard elevate edges of ulcers, scar tissues and marked whiteness of skin
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    BIOGEN-21 (Oracure)

    • Biogen 21 (Oracure) is supportive in teething troubles and other symptoms appearing during dentition in infants
    • It makes the development of teeth easy and quick
    • Improves the appetite and aid digestion in the babies
    • Biogen 21 is suited to the irritable and peevish child
    • It also covers colicky pain and abdominal flatulence
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    BIOGEN-22 (Pusonex)

    • BIOGEN-22 (Pusonex) is indicated for the supportive treatment in scrofulous abcesses
    • It is effective in glandular swelling and tubercular glandular enlargement
    • Useful in skin diseases and support healing process
    • It covers all the disturbing symptoms of the disease
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    BIOGEN-23 (Rheuten)

    • BIOGEN-23 (Rheuten) is indicated for the supportive treatment in toothache
    • Used in hard swelling of jaw bone and gum boil
    • Helpful in unnatural loosing of tooth from their sockets
    • Effective in the neuralgic and rheumatic toothache
    • Also covers complaints of children’s teething
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    BIOGEN-24 (Neurodol)

    • BIOGEN-24 (Neurodol) is indicated in weakness after prolonged diseases
    • It is a nerve and brain tonic
    • Relieves the symptoms associated with mental & physical exhaustion
    • Effective in general debility and weakness
    • Helpful in forgetfulness
    • Also has a role in nerve reflexes and useful for cramping of muscles
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    BIOGEN-25 (Gastrofix)

    • BIOGEN-25 (Gastrofix) is indicated for the supportive treatment in dyspepsia, acidity and flatulence
    • Homeopathic medicine, Helpful in gastric troubles like heart burn, flatulence and belching
    • Useful in bilious vomiting and bloated abdomen
    • Used in inflammation of intestinal membranes
    • Effectively covers all the symptoms of gastric disorders
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    BIOGEN-26 (Pregno-eze)

    • BIOGEN-26 (Pregno-eze) is indicated as a supportive for easy child birth
    • Use to decrease distress of child birth
    • Assist in the development and health of child
    • It may also prevents miscarriage
    • Also greatly relieves the labor pains
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    BIOGEN-27 (Revitonex)

    • BIOGEN-27 (Revitonex) is indicated for the supportive treatment in weakness and debility
    • Effective in lack of vitality and in trembling
    • Used for increasing sexual libido
    • Improves the vital force
    • Also helpful in night fall, impotence and after effects of loss of vital fluids



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    BIOGEN-28 (Recovromax)

    • BIOGEN-28 (Recovromax) is indicated in general debility, weakness and other debilitating diseases recovering from fever, pneumonia and diarrhea etc
    • Boost the immunity and prevent from diseases
    • Suitable for weak and old people
    • Supplies the necessary tissue nutrients to the body
    • Keeps the metabolism healthy
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