Surkhana Syrup

 230 550

Hemoglobin (HB) is the protein molecule present in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body collects carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body and takes it back to the lungs. It has different ranges in males & females.


Generally, in males, it ranges from 13.0 – 16.0 g/dl while in females, it is 12.0 – 16.0 g/dl.


Surkhana syrup is composed of remedies that help to restore & maintain Hemoglobin level and recover anemic conditions caused by iron deficiency. It is also helpful in fatigue due to overwork, Abnormal sweating or easy fainting, excessive menstruation, pale appearance, Breath shortness & general weakness, sleeplessness due to behavioral issues, and helps to normalize low hemoglobin levels and energy level during pregnancy & lactation

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100 out of 90 people suffer from various problems, including abnormal sweating, sleeplessness, iron deficiency, energy level during pregnancy, Excessive menstruation, pale appearance, and many more.


Are you one of them?


No need to worry about these issues, because Surkhana Syrup is the solution to all the above-mentioned problems. The syrup is made by such remedies that are helpful for you to restore and maintain the hemoglobin level of your body. Homeopathic experts recommend this syrup.


Here is the list of benefits of Surkhana Syrup:

  • It helps you to maintain your anemia level
  • Recovers general weakness in your body
  • Resolves your breathing problems
  • keep you normal during heavy workload conditions


Key Ingredients:

  • mur: Covers the weakness during & after different diseases, especially after diarrhea and spleen disorders.
  • Kali phos: Helps to improve the anemia and retains muscular energy.
  • The condition caused by a deficiency of hemoglobin or red cells in the blood is referred to as Anemia.
  • mur: Being a Salt, it helps to restore the loss of vital fluids during different diseases. Vital fluids are the human body fluids in liquid form which excreted from the body due to any disease.
  • Crataegus: Improves general debility caused by cardiac disease.
  • China: Famous for recovery after fevers especially typhoid and constitutional fevers.
  • Alfalfa: Improves natural food deficiency and vitamins. Helps to improve digestive disorders.

Additional information

Weight 120 kg

Surkhana Syrup (Normal), Surkhana Syrup (Sugar Free)


120ml, 240ml, 450ml


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