Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum 8x Tablets


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Uranium Nitricum is a traditional Homoeopathic Remedy used in treating Diabetes Mellitus and its associated symptoms, successfully since the last century.

Dr. Reckeweg has standardized Uranium Nitricum in 8x potency, in which it has proven to act best, after extensive trials and experiments. Diabetics using Uranium Nitricum withadequate diet control and exercise, can curtail the prognosis of this deadly disease and lead a normal life, which otherwise can lead to a disastrous effect on the vital organs of the body.

Dr. Reckeweg’s Uranium Nitricum is used very effectively for the following indications.
Increased sugar in the blood and urine, high blood pressure threatening degeneration of the liver and kidneys, intense weakness, increased thirst, frequent urination and tendency towards ascites, gastric and duodenal ulcers, burning pains and gas, mentaldepression and impotency.

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