Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic)


Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic) helps to relieve from the following conditions:

  • Weakness of Pulse (Heart Beat)
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • Chest Pain with tightness
  • Difficult respiration
  • Cold sweating, fainting (syncope) and collapse
  • Easy fatigue (tiredness)
  • Grief, tension, and stress with anxiety


95 out of every 100 people are victims of stress with anxiety, exercise tolerance, cold sweating, and weaknesses of the pulse.

If you are one of them and want to release yourself from these problems, then try Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic). It is one of the best solutions for all these problems. Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic) is designed with natural herbs by homeopathic physicians.


List of Benefits of Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic):

  • It helps you to maintain your heartbeat (weakness of pulse)
  • It helps you to reduce stress and tension with anxiety.
  • It gives you relief from chest pain with tightness.
  • It protects you from cold sweating conditions.

Key Components:

  • Aconite nap. 6x
  • Arnica 3x
  • Cactus grand Q
  • Crataegus oxy Q
  • Ignatia 30
  • Moschus 30
  • Veratrum album 30
  • Excipients = q.s


15 to 20 drops in a half glass of water 3 times a day.

In severe conditions, take 8-10 drops in a teaspoonful of water every 5 to 10 minutes and use it directly in the mouth in emergency conditions or as directed by the physician.

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